
How Do Radon Fans Work?

By |2024-10-10T10:13:27-05:00October 10th, 2024|Radon|

Radon fans play a crucial role in protecting your home from dangerous radon gas. It's an invisible threat can seep in through cracks in the foundation and put your family’s health at risk, especially with long-term exposure. Fortunately, when professionally installed, radon fans help remove the gas from your home and vent it safely outdoors.

Can a Sealed Sump Lid Stop Radon From Spreading?

By |2024-08-29T11:44:14-05:00August 29th, 2024|Radon, Sump Pump|

Radon is a dangerous, invisible gas that can enter your home without any obvious signs. As one of the leading causes of lung cancer, it's a serious risk that every homeowner should be aware of. Your sump pump system, particularly if not properly sealed, can be a significant entry point for radon–but can a sealed

Radon and Your Home

By |2021-05-22T21:39:11-05:00February 7th, 2021|Home Inspections, Home Maintenance, Radon|

You’ve picked your new home and call to schedule a home inspection. Then, the person booking it asks if you would also like a radon test done. Your next question may be, what is radon?  And why do I need to test for it? Jeff, the FYI Home Inspection Guy, is here to tell you

Inspecting Your Home Top To Bottom, Inside Out.

By |2020-09-02T21:25:19-05:00August 7th, 2020|Home Inspections, News, Radon|

Inspecting Your Home Top To Bottom, Inside Out. At Prospective Home Inspections, when we come out to inspect your property, all aspects inside and out will be inspected. We pay close attention to the details to make sure nothing is missed in all of the major systems of the home. From electrical, plumbing,

Radon Testing Is An Important Factor When Buying A Home.

By |2020-09-02T21:30:04-05:00August 5th, 2020|Home Inspections, Radon|

Radon Testing Is An Important Factor When Buying A Home. Looking to buy a home soon? Make sure your home inspector completes a radon test for you to review. Elevated radon levels can be a health concern for families with respiratory issues. Some types of homes have higher radon levels than other based